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oil bar on illustration board / 16 x 20 inches / available

I like to try new techniques and mediums. This is one of them – oil bar. It is actually oil paint but in the form of a fat crayon. I drew with it and used my fingers for blending instead of using brushes. It is great fun and is quick and easy to work with. The central coast of California is so beautiful in the fall with the golden hills and scattering of oak trees. I had to “paint” it.

oil bar on illustration board / 16 x 20 inches / available

This painting was actually my first experience with oil bars. The bars encourage working in a much looser style while layering and blending colors becomes more intuitive. I got a real "hands on" feel with this medium. I love it! When I do the final painting of Reflecting Pool on canvas I will brighten it up.

Reflecting Pool (just getting started)

oil bar on canvas / 30 x 40 inches

Here the background of the painting is toned and the leaves and pods are drawn on with a white oil bar.

Reflecting Pool (finished!)

oil on canvas / 30 x 40 inches / available

One of my favorite places to visit is Balboa Park in San Diego. There are wonderful museums, art galleries, a huge arboretum and a reflecting pool of enormous proportions. The water lilies that grow there are tremendous. It was a sunny day and a joyous place to wander around.

oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches / sold

I first saw the pink cactus on a trip to Tuscon, Arizona and couldn’t believe my eyes! This would be perfect for my second painting in the color blocked botanical series. The painting just won Juror’s Choice at the 2019 AIAOC Artwalk held at the Orange County Museum of Art. Next it was shown at the Orange County Fair in the Fine Arts Building from July 12 through August 12, 2019 where it won Honorable Mention and Juror’s Choice.

 © 2021 by crystal maes. All images on this website are protected under copyright.

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